Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Today I wish to honor my "mother-in-love". This would be Tessie Albano, Ron's mom. Today is her eighty eighth birthday. She is such an amazing woman in every way. Her beauty of mind, body and spirit is incomparable. She is generous in every way. She looks like she could easily be 25 years younger. Everyone who meets her comments on her lovliness. Her entire family looks to her for advice on so many different issues. She is the perfect role model for any mother or grandmother.

So here are some photos of this remarkable woman.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


On Monday night Ryan drove north to visit. He brought his friend, Zack with him. They actually stayed two nights and checked out the Ashland area and went to Crater Lake yesterday. This morning they continued north to see the Oregon coast. They plan to join the Portland cousins this evening. I wish them luck---- a lot of driving. It was much fun having them here. Dad always enjoys seeing his grandchildren so that was an extra plus.

Friday, August 18, 2006


Life here is pretty routine. The big event for this week was the removal of a cyst from the corner of Ron's eye last Monday. Also Dad and Ron goof around in the backyard chipping sometimes. Ron did get an excellent deal on a camcorder at Sears. Other than that we are planning our September/October trip to Italy. Ron has booked half of the hotels himself. The other half were booked by a tour company. We leave in a month, so we are finally coming to some definite decisions.

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Well today everybody, except Dad, took off. I hate saying goodbyes. Thank God Dad can stay with us awhile. Pat and Scott left around 8:15 and Lisa stayed until 4:00. We all said our farewells with some regret I am sure. It is such great fun being together.


On Saturday we had a leisurely morning with breakfast on the deck. (We sure do like it out there in the backyard).

Then in the afternoon Dad, Ron, Patty and Scott went out to investigate boats and engines. They really needed a nice engine for Uncle Scott's boat. But they were distracted by Suntracker Party Pontoons. Nothing was purchased. Lisa and I walked downtown and shopped a little. Lisa bought a couple of dresses and a cute top. There is a photo of her modeling her new blue dress. I make her do this.

When we returned home more visiting, dinner, and our last game of Blitz with everyone. Even Lisa joined us for cards before going out for the evening.


Well, Scott and Patty returned from the mountains on Thursday. On Friday they went fishing with Ron and Dad on the Rogue River. Lisa drove south to visit us all also. We enjoyed drinks on the deck and had pizza.

Lisa's friend, Natalie, even stopped by. Natalie is famous now. She is doing local news stories for our NBC affiliate. It is amazing to watch these kids grow up.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Yesterday Patty and Scott went to Howard Prairie and rented a schooner. That's a nice little trailer with all the amenities.

Today Dad, Ron and I went on up to visit them. They had rented a boat for the day and we took a picnic lunch out with us. Only Scott caught a fish, but he took mercy on it and threw it back. Dad drove the boat for us. In the early evening we went back to the trailer and had a glass of wine. Then we returned home. It was a lovely day.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


How lucky are we? Dad, Patty, and Scott arrived in Ashland yesterday. After Mass this morning I served breakfast on the deck. Then we went to Jacksonville. Jacksonville is a town about 20 miles from here that is quite historic. We walked around and looked at the old fashioned store fronts.

From there we came home and had spaghetti. This evening we played Blitz on our deck during a thunder storm. Blitz is a card game that Dad learned from his brother, Uncle Jack, when he was visiting there. That was great fun. It is wonderful having the family here.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


As always, "parting is such sweet sorrow". We did get to see Rick and May the morning we were leaving. They had been in Mexico for two weeks and only arrived home in time to see us off. They did get some excellent surfing in down south though. I missed getting any pictures of them this time though. And they looked great too---Rick with his nice tan and May with her curly hair. Sorry.

When we left Ronnie and Lisa were going back to work at the office and Amy was resuming her gardening with her instructor, Tim. It is always tough to leave everyone. But that is life, isn't it???


On Sunday at Amy's suggestion she, Ronnie, Lisa, Ron, and I went to the fair. We saw chickens, cows, bulls, pigs, rabbits, pigeons etc. We also had a nice lunch and elephant ears. After that we went on a great flying ride. Actually Ronnie, Lisa, and I did the ride. Amy and Ron took pictures. Such fun!

And, oh yes, Ronnie won Amy a giant blue teddy bear. He did this shooting basketballs. It only took him four shots. Lisa won a little dog in the horse races. We did have a delightful time.


Last Friday Ron and I took a ride up to Portland to see the kids. Lisa is working for Ronnie at Priority Appraising and living with him and Amy. Amy's two best friends were also over for the weekend. Sue brought her husband, Adam and son, Alex. Molly came from Seattle with her husband, Mike and new baby, Adrianna. We had a barbeque on the deck with hamburgers, hot dogs and delicious salads. It was great seeing them all.

In the photo of Amy we also see the six week old baby doll. Also note Amy's cute new haircut, another doll.