Monday, January 28, 2008


Here is that doll baby! Oh my how I miss him!

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Saturday was my birthday. I began the day by waking up and thanking my mom and dad for giving me life. They not only gave me birth, but they were absolutely the most precious parents in the world. I am entitled to think this. I thank God for them.

When Ron woke up we went to Starbucks and had coffee/chai. Back at the resort we took a nice long walk. Then when Mother (Tessie) got up we went to the resort cafe for brunch. From there I went to see JUNO. It could possibly my own personal favorite movie for 2007.

In the evening our friends, Dick and Sue Chambers, took us to Macaroni Grill for dinner. I even got a huge piece of chocolate birthday cake and the traditional "Happy Birthday song" in Italian by an opera singer guy.

I received phone calls from all my children, Ron and Amy, Rick and May, and Lisa. Lisa's came from Rome at 8:00pm our time, which meant 5:00am her time. She was just getting in from a fabulous night on the town in Rome. I, of course, love hearing from her anytime at all.

So I did have a beautiful day! Thank you everyone.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


What more can I say? I will comment that Patty took a fantastic "moonrise" photo while she was visiting. So I thought I would capture the "moonset". This is quite appropriate considering that Patty is the night girl and I have always been a morning person. Anyway it can be and often is very beautiful here in the desert.


Here are the latest Nico photos. He is growing up so very fast. How much more alert he looks! I just can't wait to see him. I miss him so.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Our first ten days in Palmy, as we often fondly refer to Palm Springs, has been very nice. The first six days were fine with just Ron, Mother and I here. Mostly Ron golfed and Mother and I enjoyed the sun and warm weather and each others company.

Then last Friday Patty drove down from the central coast to spend a few days with us. One of those days was Ron's birthday. He played golf at a full 18 outside of the resort on Friday. On Saturday he just relaxed around here reading in the sun by the pool. He and Patty also watched some of the UCLA vs. USC basketball game. Saturday evening we had friends over for cake and ice cream. I think Ron had a nice birthday.

Sadly, Patty had to leave and drive home this afternoon. I will miss her so much. I have no idea when we will see each other next. I love my sister so much.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Oh boy, look what Rick just sent me. I had to share. Little Nico is smiling regularly now. How I miss him! He changes all the time.

I can't wait to meet Alice and Anthony. Amy and Ron found out they are around five pounds now. Every day they stay enutero the healthier they keep growing. However, they could come any day. When that happens, or even begins to happen, Ron and I are hopping a plane to Portland. We are so excited.


Last Thursday we left Ashland for our ultimate destination of Palm Springs. We had planned to stop at Patty and Scott's for the night. However, snow on the pass postponed our departure until nearly 11:00am. This meant we wouldn't reach Los Osos until late and Patty would have to be off to work at 6:30 the next morning. We decided to just go on down I-5 to L.A. We did spend the night in Santa Nella. We got into Los Angeles in time to see Mother, Diane, Jose and their new house. Heather and her boyfriend, Kacy, stopped by for a visit. We also met Heather's little puppy, Rambo. So too cute.

On Saturday morning we had coffee/tea with Ron's cousin, Mary Alice. One of the nicest parts of being in L.A. is seeing our loved ones and friends although we were there less than 24 hours and missed seeing Aunt Cosie, Uncle Bob and Aunt Anna. We must do something about that. By 10:30 we drove out to Palm Springs. The weather here is heavenly today (Sunday) I must admit. It is 75 degrees with a light breeze. What more could one ask?

Monday, January 07, 2008


On Wednesday Ron, Rick, May, Lisa, Nico and I drove north to Portland. We had dinner at Cha Ba Thai with Ron and Amy. Lisa said Thai is impossible to get in Italy.

On Thursday Amy, Lisa and I went out to Starbuck's, did some errands and had lunch at Cha Cha Cha's. Cha Cha Cha's serves some of Lisa's favorite Mexican food. In the evening we made hamburgers at Ron and Amy's so Lisa could have a good old American meal before returning to Italy. Eating is all for Lisa these last days at home.

Friday morning we took Lisa to the airport at 4:00am. All went well and she was back in her Trestevere apartment in less than 24 hours this time.

Saturday Ron and I looked at houses in Washington area. After that Ron and I accompanied the Ronnie and Amy to purchase their two carseats four bases and a great tram/stroller set up. Ronnie and Rick attended the Blazer game on Saturday night. May and I stayed at the house and watched movies and played with Nico.

Sunday Ron, Ronnie and I found this amazing house in Happy Valley. The views are to die for. Ron and Ronnie believe the house is an outstanding deal. Also on Sunday evening we insisted that Rick and May go out to dinner. It was our last night in Portland and we wanted them to have some quality time for just the two of them.

One major note of concern is that Amy has pneumonia and is resting at home on medication. Hopefully the antibiotics will help her. We came home Monday morning and plan to go south Thursday if Amy continues to heal. Otherwise a change of plans may be necessary. I feel so badly for Ron and Amy. It seems it is just one thing after another to deal with. Those poor precious people.

P.S. Don't miss the adorable brown furry boots that Dustin and Kelly bought Nico. They look great with his green and brown striped shirt. Thanks, you two.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


This was a pretty relaxing New Year's Eve for us. Rick, May, Ron and I just stayed around the house and played games, drank champagne and enjoyed each other's company.

Lisa did dress up and go out to dinner with friends. Nico, too, tried out some new duds. But then aren't all his duds new? Cute as can be though.