Friday, July 29, 2005

This afternoon Lisa and I worked out at the gym and then she goes to her job as a YMCA camp counselor. Now you can see what my little girl is up to. Lisa is dedicated, as always, taking two summer college courses, working nearly every day even weekends. Sorry if this sounds like a lot of bragging. Lisa is so special to us all.


Candi said...

Lisa looks great. I need to get to the gym myself. Never worry about bragging...we are here to listen to updates on people, no one will think you are bragging. Lisa is just a great person all around. Love all of you and miss you so much!

Amy said...

Go Lisa! Hey you two need to do some yoga :-)

Chum said...

Lisa is looking buffed! Great to see her pumping the iron. Where did she learn to lift weights, anyway?

Rick and May