Monday, August 08, 2005


Hello there. I am a little late getting this blog out.
I am also uncertain how to inject the photos and text and all. As you can probably see something changed this time. Anyway, yesterday a beautiful deer wandered into our back yard. That was just before Ron and Rick started their little chipping game. Ron has quite the layout set up there for many family competitions. While they did that May spent at least six houre on the Sims game.

In the evening when Lisa got off work we took everyone to the Olive Garden for Rick and May's anniversary which was last week. But we enjoyed celebrating anyway, as you can see. You and Ron are next, Amy. May loved the after dinner mints so much so asked for some extra and received 15. The rest of our night was spent seeing BUBBA HO TEP, a rather bizarre and still entertaining movie. I don't necessarily reccomend it although Ron burned a copy. He must have really liked it.

1 comment:

Candi said...

Six hours of the Sims? She's hooked! There was a time that I played all the time, too...Adam was worried I'd have to be checked in to SA (Sims Anonymous). Love all of the pics.