Tuesday, November 15, 2005


We sure walked our feet off today. After coffee/tea and bagels in the morning we thought we would once again do a Casino tour. We visited the Balagio and Ceasar's Palace once more. This time we saw the Balagio Lobby with some incredible Fall decorations. There was even an agri-sculpture. Agri-sculpture is something made out of plants. This one was a bridge with a walk through gateway. Indescribable,really, but I will include a picture of Lisa on that particular walkway. Some of the pumpkins there were over 500 pounds.

This evening I won $63.00 on a nickel machine. And it only took me a dollar of nickels to do so. That was neat! The kids bought margaritas by the yard and we all shared them. Even at that we couldn't finish them. Unbelievable! This place is so incredible.

1 comment:

May said...

You guys looks like high rollers!