Sunday, September 10, 2006


Ronnie, Amy, and Lisa just left. They drove down on Friday evening to spend the weekend with Ron and me. It was such a wonderful weekend. Friday night we had pizza, of course. Then Lisa went out with friends. Amy, Ronnie, Ron and I played Blitz (the fun card game that Dad taught us this summer). Ronnie won.

Yesterday we drove up to Howard Prairie and had a picnic lakeside. Last night we barbequed porkloin and played cards again and Ronnie won again.

Today the men watched football all day. Amy and I went out to lunch and did a little shopping. When we came home we had some spaghetti and then they headed north back to Portland. Mostly we relaxed and visited. It meant so much to me that they came down to Ashland.

P.S. That beautiful Lexus the kids left in is Ron and Amy's new car.


Patty said...

I am so glad that you all had a nice visit! I think about the two of them(Ron and Amy) constantly and hope they are doing ok!

The Dicksons said...

Go RAMS!!!!!!