Saturday, November 25, 2006


Most of today was dedicated to the making of fruitbread. Making twenty loaves of this bread takes some time. Many hands got into the kneading of the huge mound of dough. We luckily had Dad's advice. So things went pretty smoothly.

Rick was supposed to head south to San Francisco and then Los Angeles. He has an art show in L.A. next weekend. He was only 3-4 miles from our house this afternoon when his car overheated and quit. So he had it towed back to Ashland and we are blessed with his company one more day.

The fruitbread was all finished by 7:00pm. We tasted it and decided a good year once again. We ended the day by trying our Italian dessert with incredible chocolate and proudly checking out our fruitbread.

We had another enjoyable dinner, in spite of the USC/Notre Dame game in the background. How much football can some men watch? Plenty, I guess.

1 comment:

Patty said...

I don't know when I might make fruit bread! What a great idea to do it while everyone was there!