Friday, July 06, 2007


Fourth of July was extra quiet around here. It was quite warm and Mother is visiting so we laid fairly low. Ron barbequed and Mother made her delicious potato salad. I took a little ride and watched the fireworks at 10:00pm from my car.

However the 5th was a different story and the 6th was even better. Lisa flew in on Thursday night at nearly midnight. She had a great idea to surprise all her friends who flock to Ashland for the 4th of July weekend. I invited them all over on the pretense of missing Lisa and wanting to do one of our traditional Friday night pizza dinners. (Lisa's original return date had been set for the 15th.) Anyway Natalie and Elisa were the most surprised as you can see in the snapshots. Natalie actually broke into tears. She also surprised Matt, Josh, and Nate.

We did have pizza and fun conversation. It is heaven to me to have the house full of young people once again. Of course with Lisa here life could hardly be better. I do so look forward to spending the next six weeks with Lisa before she returns to Italy to teach.


Patty said...

I ran home tonight thinking I might see some pictures of Lisa. Boy you are good getting those on so quickly. How exciting for everyone. I thought about all of you as I usually do on this day! Glad you are all together!

Candi said...

Oh look at how happy she is! Six weeks! That will be wonderful!