October 5th we drove north for Rick and May's baby shower for little "N.L.T." For those of you who don't know yet that is there nickname for their baby. It is short for Nico, Luca and Tessie. These are the names under consideration for the wee one. We all pronounce the name, Nilt. You can see why.
This was my first mixed shower (men invited). The games were much fun. The first one was a contest to see who could diaper baby faster. The cabbage patch dolls even had messy diapers. Rick won. The next game was a chugging contest. I believe the fluid was beer. The girls won that. There was a spelling bee. Girls won. Then there was a t-shirt decorating contest. The girls did a bikini and the boys drew a ????. This contest was complete with a runway fashion show. I think the boys won because an actor did there runway bit. Our t-shirt was much cuter. The final game was for Rick and May to compete in Wii tennis. May won that one although Rick really knocked himself out trying. Girls won overall first place.
As a conclusion to the evening May opened gifts. She received many lovely things. The blanket was homemade with a Squiggly character designed right on it. Squiggly is the name of Rick's design company. His partner and neighbor's wife made the blanket and some adorable clothes to match. Connie and Candi's gift arrived moments before the shower. It was a perfect little Bouncer in just the right colors for Rick and May's color scheme. How's that for perfect timing and a perfect gift?
Last of all, aren't my pregnant daughters beautiful?
That shower sound like too much fun...good thing Connie and I couldn't make it...we'd hate to put all their friends to shame with our chugging abilities...ha ha ha. I am so glad our gift arrived and it works with their color scheme!
Sounds like you guys had fun! And look how adorable those two pregnant ladies look. It makes my heart so happy!
That was a great shower. And I agree, our onesie was so much better.
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