Thursday, October 18, 2007


On Saturday Ron, Ronnie, Amy and I went to the OMSI, (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry). We went to see the Body World's Exhibit. It was breathtaking. From there we went out to brunch.

That afternoon Ron helped Rick assemble one fantastic stroller for Nilt. (Pictured here.) We're getting ready.

On Sunday May and I went to lunch at Pho Van's, delicious Vietnamese food. Then we went to the movies to see THE JANE AUSTIN BOOK CLUB. We liked it a lot. The men were watching football, of course.

PS. If you have the stomach for it, check out the a sample of the Body Worlds exhibit. See below for address..

1 comment:

Candi said...

Wow...that exhibit looks amazing. Sounds like a perfect visit again!