Sunday, January 13, 2008


Last Thursday we left Ashland for our ultimate destination of Palm Springs. We had planned to stop at Patty and Scott's for the night. However, snow on the pass postponed our departure until nearly 11:00am. This meant we wouldn't reach Los Osos until late and Patty would have to be off to work at 6:30 the next morning. We decided to just go on down I-5 to L.A. We did spend the night in Santa Nella. We got into Los Angeles in time to see Mother, Diane, Jose and their new house. Heather and her boyfriend, Kacy, stopped by for a visit. We also met Heather's little puppy, Rambo. So too cute.

On Saturday morning we had coffee/tea with Ron's cousin, Mary Alice. One of the nicest parts of being in L.A. is seeing our loved ones and friends although we were there less than 24 hours and missed seeing Aunt Cosie, Uncle Bob and Aunt Anna. We must do something about that. By 10:30 we drove out to Palm Springs. The weather here is heavenly today (Sunday) I must admit. It is 75 degrees with a light breeze. What more could one ask?


Candi said...

More family togetherness...what a wonderful life you have!

Patty said...

I am so srry you didn't get to stop here but totally understand there was no real alternative! Can't wait to see you on Friday! I am thinking of leaving closer to 7:00 am. I will let you know!