Monday, March 03, 2008


Well, as might be expected, each day Alice and Anthony are a little more awake. And I hear they are even more awake at night. Ron and Amy have been lucky to get more than an hour or two sleep at night. Those little pumpkins take a lot of time to feed, rock, change, soothe and love. Their mom and dad are enjoying every second of the process, of course, but they look a bit exhausted to Nana. One must remember that Ron and Amy are my kids.

I spent 9:00 am until 2:00 with them and went back from 7:00 to 10:00pm. It was so great at 10:00 because their nurses had a slow night and took the babies just to play with them for a few hours so Ron and Amy could rest. I am hoping that is what happened. Everyone will have more energy this morning if the plan worked.

So there are a few less pictures today. The baby being snuggled this time is Anthony and we have a portrait of Alice. My favorites for today are the face to face snapshots. Those two sweeties just love to be together. It looks like Anthony is going to bite Alice's nose off. Isn't that precious?


Candi said...

Hee hee...that last picture is precious!!!! Keep em coming...oh I remember the sleepless nights. Worth it!

Patty said...

Wow as I said yesterday...I think Alice looks like Ronnie's baby pictures! Sleepless nights I bet! Two babies at night! I can't even imagine! It is always worth it!