Saturday, June 21, 2008


Nico began his first swimming class this week. It is, of course, a water familiarization experience. But he loves it. His mom and dad get in the water with him and everyone plays around, kicking, splashing, bouncing, dancing in circles etc. Look at Nico go after that water bar bell. What fun they all have! Me too! I didn't swim, but I got to play with Nico after.


Patty said...

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing. I am so happy to see your boys finally become Dad's! Of course the kids are so lucky to have the wonderful parents that they have. They are also blessed to have grandparents that wanted them so badly too!

Connie said...

Those are great pictures! I love how happy babies are in the pool. Those little water classes were always so much fun! Good times.

Candi said...

How cute! I remember those classes well! Looks like fun for everyone! Nico has a smile that could brighten any day!