Monday, December 29, 2008


On Christmas Eve we were invited to Aaron and Cristina's for dinner. Cristina made a traditional Mexican meal of soup and green chicken with rice. It was so delicious. Their house was so warm and cozy. They are a magnificent host and hostess.

So many of my pictures came out of focus. It is so disappointing. I have put in some of the clear ones. Shame on me for my lack of focus. I do love being with Alice and Anthony. The pic of Amy and Anthony is precious. How about Daddy kissing his little girl? Lisa read some books to Alice, the proper teacher thing to do. The last shot is of Anthony with his Uncle Aaron (although it is difficult to see Aaron on this one). This is the family member that Anthony most resembles. At least that is the current consensus. Babies do constantly change and these two are such a beautiful combination of so many loved ones.

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