Sunday, June 21, 2009


This weekend I traveled south to attend the Western Dominican Laity Provencial Council meeting in Oakland. On my way there I stopped to see Aunt Dorothy. It is always so inspirational to be with her. At almost 92 years of age she is beautiful, joyful, filled with love and peace. She is also one of the sharpest and wisest people I have ever known. Spending even a short while with her feels so comfortable. We share so many of the same ideas and beliefs. I love her dearly.

I also enjoyed St. Albert's Priory in Oakland. It is such a lovely place. I even made friends with a little turtle and visited with the fish. Such a great weekend!

1 comment:

Patty said...

She is truly amazing! I didn't realize you got to visit with her. Lucky you. Please when you post to your blog, shot out an e-mail to remind me to check.