This is the day that Lisa left us to fly to Hungary to visit friends. Ron and I decided to revisit some of the sights that we had seen the first night in the dark. We saw the Pantheon the Spanish Steps and the Piazza Navona in the daylight. We took a walk over to Campo di Fiori where they hold an open market each morning. I was able to attend Mass at San Maria Minerva, another stunning church. In the Pantheon they were still putting a double guard on the tomb of Victor Emmanuele. He was the King of Italy who united the country in the mid 19th century. We spent much of the day thinking about Lisa reaching Hungary and connecting with her friends safely, which she did. We had a nice dinner nearby our hotel again.
Dad and I are really enjoying the the blog on your trip. We have been checking everyday. How exciting for all of you!
I am really enjoying your posts. The trip sounds majical. Can't wait to see you both and hear all about it in person!
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