Sunday, December 09, 2007


Since we arrived back home last Thursday we have concentrated on Christmas traditions. On Friday we went to Camp Baker Road to cut down our tree at our favorite tree farm. Ron and I searched acres of trees before selecting ours.

On Saturday we made 19 loaves of fruitbread. It is the best ever---loads of fruit.

Then today while Ron watched football I decorated the tree. So we on our way towards the big day and more importantly enjoying all our family traditions.


Candi said...

How neat that you cut down your own tree. What a great tradition that is! That's a lot of fruitbread, too! Don't you just love traditions!

Patty said...

Wow I can't beleive how great the fruitbread looks. It is huge, and so is that tree. I will have to get some shots of ours and blog them! I know you are getting excited to see Lisa!