Thursday, December 06, 2007


Today Ron and I needed to leave Portland and come home. Ron had run out of his medications. Also it was time to let Rick and May have their life back and their sweet little baby to themselves. We will miss Nico until they come to visit us. He is such a living doll and such a good baby besides.

Ron and Amy took us out to breakfast while May and Nico slept and Rick went to meetings for work. Amy is hanging in there and being as strong and brave as possible. What she needs now is some rest.

I am including some farewell Nico pictures for all to see. Look, Patty, Nico is wearing one of the little suits you sent him. Also the waitress took a pic of us at breakfast.


Patty said...

Oh there is that beautiful little boy! I bet it was hard to leave ! What a wonderful and beautiful first grandchild. Just think.... two more soon! My thoughts are with Amy at this extremely hard time! I wish there was some majic cure to help with the pain. But as we all know there isn't. Time and the blessing of two wonderful kids will help!

Candi said...

Oh man, he is a doll face! I am so glad to hear Amy is doing OK, too. I have been thinking about her and hoping she was all right. Love to all!