Friday, February 29, 2008


Brace yourselves for vital statistics. Alice Kathleen Albano entered the world at 8:16pm at 8 lbs and 2 oz and 20 inches. Anthony Michael Albano followed at 8:18pm and weighed in at 7 lbs 7 oz and 21 inches. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. How could they miss with such gorgeous parents.

Amy labored quite heavily for several hours after nearly three full days of attempting induction procedures. All the contractions and concentrated work didn't give up much in the way of dilation. So around 8:00pm everyone agreed to a cesarean. By 8:18 we had our babies. Amy had some postpartum bleeding that wasn't unusual, but they needed to monitor her a while longer in recovery. With such big twins this was somewhat expected.

Ron and Amy are thrilled of course along with the rest of us. By midnight Nana and Poppi were able to join the happy family in their room. We held the babies and played with them for about an hour when it seemed only decent to give them all a rest (if they could get one). We left Amy nursing Alice. Often Anthony would rather sleep.
I am ready, of course, to go on over to the hospital and rock and snuggle my precious Alice and Anthony as soon as Ron wakes up.

Thank you all for you prayers and thoughts. Babies are always small miracles, but these two are majorly so. I am sure there will be new pictures every day. Keep checking.

Monday, February 25, 2008

A NEW HOUSE???????

Could we possibly move to Washington? Fifteen minutes from the kids homes in Portland is a place called Lacamas Shores. For the last four years Ron and I have driven through this neighborhood and dreamed of a home here, if not on the lake, perhaps on the golf course. Then last week Ron noticed that a house he particularly loved (on the golf course) that had been off the market for awhile was relisted and reduced to a price he believed remotely possible.

So today he is beginning to make some offers. All of this makes my head spin. Such a wonderful place to entertain family!


It is Monday night and at midnight they will begin to induce Amy and get those babies to make an appearance. Here are some pictures I took over the weekend of my sweet darling daughter-in-love.

It is expected that the induction will take 24 to 48 hours for success and birth.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Yesterday Nico was three months old. To honor his quarter birthday I thought I would chronicle a day in the life of Nico.

It seems Nico's first couple of hours are spent in bed with his sleepy head parents talking to him and adoring him. How great is that! He also eats during this time period. Then his majesty is dressed and taken out for a walk somewhere. This day it was along the riverfront. Rick and I walked while May went to her hip hop class.

We came home where Nico was fed once again. His mommy reads to him at least once a day if not more. While his daddy seems to enjoy the little heart to heart talks best. Each day he just loves laying in his crib talking to all the colorful mobile critters. May has also hung black and white animal flash cards all over the room. He gets in such conversations with them that I am sometimes jealous.

Anyway after some down time at home we set out for Washington Square Mall and Baby Gap and Forever 21. From there it was back to Nostrana to meet friends, Gabe and Taylor, for dinner. I wanted them to let me sit while they went out, but no, they just went directly to the restaurant. Lucky me! They did allow me to stay with Nico while they went hot tubbing with their friends later in the evening. I know they trust me completely. They just have a hard time going anywhere without Nico. Who can blame them?


As always it is great to be here in Portland with the kids. Poor Amy keeps having to go to appointments she had really not hoped to keep. Ultrasounds, doctors appointments and non-stress tests. Everything looks perfect, but let's face it carrying two babies who are growing bigger every day is quite a huge "undertaking," if you excuse the expression.

Rick and May are well settled into their life as parents. We take walks frequently. The weather has been very nice these days. Ron calls it a false spring. The snapshots are from Laurelhurst Park on Wednesday afternoon.

On Valentine's Day I took Amy, Rick, May and Nico to Violet's for breakfast. Ronnie had to work. In the evening Rick and May insisted on Nico and I accompanying them to their favorite restaurant, Nostrana, for a Valentine Day's Feast. It is Italian and amazing. I had Parsnip and Parsley soup and roast pork with a potatoes and vegetable mash. My dessert was from Siena, as in Tuscany Italy. Yum! Yum!

Monday, February 11, 2008


What can I say? I am here in Portland and Rick took these adorable snapshots of Nico today. I felt compelled to send almost all of them. Each expression is so precious to me. I also realize that Lisa is in Rome just dying to be updated on Nico's growth and changes. So here goes.

Don't miss the last one where he is practicing his rock climbing on the living room wall in his snappy shoes. That one is especially for Kelly and Dustin.


On Saturday night we celebrated May's becoming an American. Last Tuesday she took her exam and passed with flying colors. On Wednesday she took her oath and was sworn in as one of us. This called for a party. Her good friends Ean and Sheila offered their house. We had hamburgers, fries and wine and beer.



Well I flew into Portland last Wednesday. On Saturday morning Amy had a "belly casting party". Connie and Candi had mailed her the whole kit for a shower gift. So Amy's sister, Diane, her sister-in-law, Cristina, May and I attended the get together. I mostly took pictures. The other Diane and Cristina did all the work. What a fantastic idea and Amy was such a trouper! She lathered up with the body cream and sat while she got plastered. Just sitting still for any length of time took much effort. But look how beautiful she is. Her cast shocked her. She kept asking if she really looked that big. We all had to tell her, "Perhaps even bigger." Ronnie came home and confirmed our answer.

Nico and Henry, Amy's nephew, also attended. Nico couldn't take his eyes off of Cristina.

Friday, February 01, 2008


Here Nico is growing again. Look, he is sitting up (granted with some help). Check out his cute room.

Also Rick sent the crying snapshot in case we thought he never cried. Too cute!

I'll probably head north soon. I can hardly stand being so far away. Besides Alice and Anthony are due any day now. I am so blessed!