Friday, February 29, 2008


Brace yourselves for vital statistics. Alice Kathleen Albano entered the world at 8:16pm at 8 lbs and 2 oz and 20 inches. Anthony Michael Albano followed at 8:18pm and weighed in at 7 lbs 7 oz and 21 inches. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. How could they miss with such gorgeous parents.

Amy labored quite heavily for several hours after nearly three full days of attempting induction procedures. All the contractions and concentrated work didn't give up much in the way of dilation. So around 8:00pm everyone agreed to a cesarean. By 8:18 we had our babies. Amy had some postpartum bleeding that wasn't unusual, but they needed to monitor her a while longer in recovery. With such big twins this was somewhat expected.

Ron and Amy are thrilled of course along with the rest of us. By midnight Nana and Poppi were able to join the happy family in their room. We held the babies and played with them for about an hour when it seemed only decent to give them all a rest (if they could get one). We left Amy nursing Alice. Often Anthony would rather sleep.
I am ready, of course, to go on over to the hospital and rock and snuggle my precious Alice and Anthony as soon as Ron wakes up.

Thank you all for you prayers and thoughts. Babies are always small miracles, but these two are majorly so. I am sure there will be new pictures every day. Keep checking.


Candi said...

WOW! Those are some BIG babies!!!! Amazing! Both are beautiful. What a complete blessing to get one of each right off the bat...perfection. I have tears in my beautiful. Glad both Mom and Dad are doing well, too. Congratulations to all of you! What a wonderful time for the entire Albano family.

Connie said...

How incredible! They must be so exhausted from that ordeal...but I am sure it is ever so worth it to see those beautiful, healthy babies! I can't believe she had TWO full grown babies in that tummy. What a miracle! Congratulations!!! I am so happy you are all there together! What a blessing that is. Love you all!

Patty said...

I am trying to see the babies through my tears which is quite hard. I am so happy for everyone. However I was trying to figure out which one is Alice and which one is Anthony. I am thinking Alice might be the one on the left?

Unknown said...

What lovely healthy bambini! I have not been away from my email for 3 days and this is the reward. Please identify who's who in the 4th picture down; we need to get used to this.
Mary Alice

Patty said...

congratulazioni per la nascite delle vostre gemelline! Tanto amore e felicità a voi tutti.
Cheers. AAAAAAAAh yes from an underground source, maybe even from the Godfather of them all I say Good luck and my guess is they will hang together at feeding time...Oh my goodness all that meat and no potatoes....All kidding aside....congrats to the parents for bringing us the joy of two wonderful gifts from God!..And congrats to those beaming grandparents who have waited so long for the joy of Grandchildren...Amy rest assured that both your parents are beaming together! God Bless you and Ron and I know I can't wait for them to meet their Great Uncle Weirdo...Enjoy every moment (I suspect that Ron and Amy won't be checking their Blog anytime soon so Diane if you could pass on my message to them I would appreciate it!)....Love Scott