Sunday, May 11, 2008


This Mother's Day is also Angie's birthday. So it seemed a good time to set up a special little space to honor her today which would be her 31st birthday. I love you, my darling daughter and I always will. I miss you and think of you every single day.


Connie said...

How very special. It must be heart warming and heart breaking all at the same time to have that spot dedicated to her yesterday. I was thinking of you. I can't imagine how you do it. By the grace of God, I know. I love you!

Patty said...

I was with you in thought and reflection the whole day my sweet sister!

Jen said...

Diane, what a perfect way to remember her. We were all blessed to have known such a sweet girl. I have such fond memories of Angie. Disneyland, pictures in the backyard, camping...

Much love to you today and always!

Candi said...

Oh now you've gone and made me cry! I miss Angie too. What a beautiful spot you set up to honor her. I love you so much.