Wednesday, September 07, 2005


This morning we hit the road going north around 9:30 with our Starbucks in hand. We stopped for a picnic lunch on a golf course in Cottage Grove. Immediately on arriving in Portland we went to Ronnie's office where we found Ronnie and Amy hard at work.

From there we stopped by Trader Joe's for some interesting wines to take to Rick and May's for dinner. When we got to Amy's and Ron's Amy was home and ready to demonstrate her juicer for me. (It was my request) She made us yummy yummy juice with carrots, apples, yellow peppers, and a little ginger. We took a quick to a real wine shop with wines from the world over to pick up a pink champagne that May wanted to give her English parents. That got us wishing for wine so we sat on R & A's lovely deck and drank an early wine before going to R & M's.

At 6:00 we walked over to May and Rick's for an absolutely scrumptious meal and more wine and more wine and more wine. May and Linn had Cheese potatoes, Cantaloupe with prawns, eight different imported cheeses, a huge salad, fresh crabmeat, sliced marinated cucumbers, and sliced peppers with another drizzled dressing. For dessert little cakes of either strawberry, chocolate mouse or pineapple coconut were accompanied by this pink champagne. I am always amazed when those two ladies do their thing.

Linn also had spent the last month landscaping R & M's yard. What a marvel that woman is! I admire her so. It seems there is nothing she can't accomplish and she is beautiful and sweet.

So that was our first day of this vacation. Pretty nice I must say.


Candi said...

Oh please share your Trade Joes finds! Their wine selection amazes me and I never know whee to start. I like red. :) Everyone is looking good! Sounds like fun!

Candi said...

Trader fast typing results in typos.

Patty said...

I am getting hungry just reading your blog. (especially since I am on the south beach diet) How nice that you get to go see the kids often. I know how blessed I am to have Melissa, Matt and Angela here but I truly miss Dustin so much. We don't get to see him often at all! And now it sounds like that will be even harder since they bought a house and it needs lots of work. Now Derrick will be tied up for ever too.

Patty said...

By the way I am not really complaining as you know but as you know we miss the kids that aren't around!