Sunday, April 20, 2008


Friday Ron, Amy and the babies drove me south to Ashland. It feels pretty good to be home. When we arrived Ron had spaghetti and wine ready for us. He also had the house all cleaned up and cozy.

On Saturday we went downtown to The Prize, Amy's favorite Ashland store. Then we had lunch at Pangea, one of Lisa's special dining spots. I had a "Grill from Ipanema" in her honor. Mostly we just spent time with the babies. I gave both of them a bath and spent many precious moments talking and listening to all their baby talk. It was wonderful. On Saturday evening it began snowing. This is the latest I have ever seen snow stick. (Kind of fun to see though any time).

On Sunday after breakfast Ron and Amy took off to drive back to Portland. Now I am baby-less. Very sad!!


Patty said...

What a great weekend! How much joy those little ones give us! It is truly amazing! How sweet Ron was to have everything ready for you guys! Wow Snow! It is really late! We were just saying that it seems like it has been a bit colder than usual here too!

Unknown said...

My friend in Medford said it snowed for a half hour this late in the season. I wonder if the cold weather will send Alice and Anthony to Hawaii or Mexico when they grow up. Maybe by then it will be colder in Mexico than Oregon!
I'm looking forward to their visit down here (hint hint) and they should bring their cousin.

Connie said...

How special that they are there with you! I seriously cannot believe it snowed. Seems unreal. It is in the low 80's here. It's been breezy and beautiful. Of course, we never do experience real seasons here in Florida. I am sure Uncle Ron is glad to have you home, too. Spaghetti and wine waiting? How nice!

Candi said...

Snow? WOW! How nice to have the babies in Ashland. I love hearing you talk about your relationship with them! Sounds like Uncle Ron missed you while you were gone. How sweet!